Annual General Meeting , August 29th.

Notice of Meeting

Notice is HEARBY given that the 1st Annual Genera Meeting of Memories are Golden will be held at Memories are Golden Community Hub, Unity Office, Old Parkway School, Park Road, Haverhill, CB9 7YD at 14:30pm on 29th August 2024 to transact the following business.


Minutes of the previous meeting

To be agreed and matter aritising:

  • Reports and accounts

To receive and considet the accounts for the year ended 30/06/2024 and the reports of the charity trustees and auditors.

  • To authorise the charity trustees to set/agree the level of auditors’ fees.
  • Ointment of charity trustees

To re-appoint Isabella Osborne for a second period of one year.

To re-appoint Corinne Wood for a second period of one year.

To re-appoint David Kennedy for a second period of one year.

To re-appoint Michael Simpkin for a second period of one year.


  • Alteration to the Constitution

To consider and vote upon the following resolution.

  • Member and proposed resolutions

Details will be given once proposed resolutions are received. Proposed resolutions should be sent to the Secretary by noon, 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. A revised agenda will be issued by 7 days prior to the meeting.

  • Any other business
  • To deal with any matters raised at the meeting.

By order of the Board of charity trustees

Isabella Osborne

